The sevenfold as the basis for our path of life

part 1

We are born in a body on earth for a purpose. With this vehicle (body, church) we can take steps in the earthly dimension, which steps are difficult to do at the other side of the curtain.

The human species is one with the Earth. However, as we tend to not being one with Earth we develop diseases and defects that need to be resolved. This can only be resolved when we turn deep within. There we learn to let go of what doesn’t fit and we can once more connected and become one.

To this end, we recognize in ourselves the sevenfold basics and start to use it. At present this (his deep inner essence) is for 99% of humanity a mystery. We no longer know the original structure and inner essence and therefore lost our connection with all other life. We become sick. The many creations we invent are often doomed to failure. A failure that we often only recognize on our deathbed when we discover that we do not evolve (higher vibrational State) but we devalue (lower vibrational state) as we have not understood what living means. Only when we learn to rediscover our inner Self (the simplicity of redemption) we can start at the beginning of the road that teach us to connect with our Essence and with the Essence of all life.

If on the other hand we focus on religion or externals we become thereof a slave.

The road starts for everyone with this seven realities. These realities lie in our body as senses.

These are:

hearing and listening with every cell of your skin and tissues;

(inner) seeing and the light of life in the eyes;

smelling with the nose but also with the soul;

patience that in many years of earthly patience lessons is taught and tested to allow us to rise above average human understanding of life. This allows the Zeitgeist to work more quickly because we incarnate less on earth and can finish the terrestrial school of life;

the nervous system that can sing on the vibration of comprehensive life, but can make us also sick;

thinking that allows us to wallow in dogmas but on the other side gives us wings if we learn to think comprehensive (see the book Cogitality of Ivomir Nikolov Dimchev). It then becomes a luminous aura. Comprehensive thinking goes with the speed of the intention;

the blood which is the seat of the taste of life. Originally it is pure. Breath, blood and soul are dependent on each other and together form the necessities for life on Earth. The soul is in the blood;


To be continued…

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