Abuse by religions

Belief has created the largest Institute that world-wide exists. It includes multiple religions who tell their believers stories depriving them knowledge.

Often eloquent men who smell power over others start preaching. They can enumerate entire texts from holy books such as the Koran, the Bible or the Torah. This awestruck ignorant man. Through fear and pyramid constructions they know to make people their serfs, who become brainwashed and indoctrinate voluntarily by their weekly messages. These believers are voluntarily under duress and spend much money to build a church, synagogue, temple or mosque for the predecessor and to give him a significant income and housing. Most believers themselves hardly know how to survive, but pay weekly for the sermons. They “worship” such predecessors as they argue that they are an emissary or extension of god.

The effects of submitting people to the will of a predecessor has shown to be disastrous in the course of centuries. People no longer realize themselves but degenerate. The consequence is that more and more physically- and mentally defective people exist on Earth, often with major flaws in their DNA structure. More and more people become mental or physical ill and can nothing but destroy and pollute whatever they encounter. This because they are suffering from less (more) dignity complexes, antisocial personality disorders, borderline or psychopathic disorders etc. Forcing them to assert themselves (waterbed effect) on hierarchical positions, gathering money and power, suppress others or prefer to start a war so they can suppress their so-called enemy.

They themselves are mentally ill and don’t realize they are their own worst enemy but also an enemy for all existence on Earth. The worst thing is that they make sure that man lingers in mortality of life because they lack inner knowledge of the right path and imitate it by showing the left path.

The suppression of such predecessors does not allow light (insight) for others. Equality is still not present. We have however to consider that each person experiences life in another class on this earthly school. In the end each person goes all classes. People are not taught by them that the concept of “god” is all there is. Each person therefore is co-responsible.
Over time, and even now they start a war. Supposedly to do well, save souls or give development aid. But wherever there is no question, this will never succeed history shows. People are then made dependent on or suppressed by fear regimes. Suppressors have invented borders where to this day the population cannot live by. Thus these populations start a war as they want to be recognized as a nation. They no longer want to be oppressed by people who do not understand them. They don’t want to live in an artificial country. They want to learn to be responsible for their own existence, by experience.

It resulted until today that most people cannot look after themselves and thus come and take it from those who have achieved it with inner strength. They cannot keep their own environment clean (lack of responsibility) thus paying more tax in order to do so. In their ignorance they destroy and contaminate land and water so that famines are inevitable. Even material goods become destroyed they need a little later. Religion has brought them no inner knowledge. Humans become more poor, unknowing and degenerate.
The more rigorous the doctrine the more people hate themselves and project it on others.

Every religion and nowadays in particular the Islam claims that life is supposed to obtain knowledge; that is true if one wants to walk the right path. However, all religions do the opposite. Enumerating texts without ever have discovered the inner path, means they have just cognitive knowledge. It is imitating another with lots of macho behavior. With such behavior they place themselves on a hierarchical position and force others to maintain and idolize them. They lack an own grounding. They become air balloons by lack of inner knowledge. This has made religion a dark power, which does not belong to human people but to animal like humans or diabolical forces in man.

The highest form of knowledge is to learn to communicate with your own soul/spirit/god’s part. This is called intuition or higher inner knowledge. Knowledge is not about guessing, associating, interpreting etc. it is knowing. With knowing the how and why can be made visible and understandable. This allows revealing of whatever is covered, as such, the truth about existence can be understood layer by layer. Inner knowledge has systematically be oppressed by religion. The word intuition is raped by many. As such many people without knowledge think it’s about feeling, a kind of gut feeling.

For some time now, the oppressive form of religion has been taken over by other institutions like Governments, multinationals, commercials or CEO’s. They attempt to keep people away from their inner truth, their existence. They deprive people their human right to get acquainted with who they really are. If it were up to these institutes, people have to comply with their image of mankind and remain a puppet or a slave. By responding on externals and anxiety, the naive man complies.

The worst scenario is that the lobby of these institutes and man becomes honored by the anxious naive citizen or Government official.

The many centuries of religious oppression, has not taught mankind the inside path.

It is time that man himself learns to communicate with the concept “god” and to make each of us accountable of their own responsibility.

article one of ….

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