Evolution or involution part 2

Before books were written, much higher knowledge was transferred by mouth to the younger generation. However for over thousands of years books have been written about “life”. Now everyone can enrich his inner self with knowledge about our existence.  However, there were books written by others to undermine the higher knowledge. That is how polarity on earth works. For a human longing to discover higher knowledge a difficult task. How to realize what at a certain instant provides us with insight and knowledge, when we open up ourselves?

We learn this through experience and by reflection. Higher knowledge cannot be learned by a book. Books only show us the potential we can discover if we open up and stop with dogma’s, fixed  ideas, associations, interpretations. Such so called “picture books” prevent us from truly perceiving what is happening. These “picture books” made us living in an illusion, a matrix or fairyland. As such we only deal with our physical  body and externalities instead of an inner life were we find our true self. As a consequence we live in an artificial world where we degenerate our physical body and as a result over 60% of the humans is nowadays seriously ill. A sick body has limited access to higher knowledge.

You increasingly put yourself behind until you decide to open up to higher knowledge about who you in reality are. Often your essence occupies then only part of your aura. You have to let go lots of energy of other entities in order to fill up your body with your own essence energy. This is called “dropping into your body”. It is the start of accomplishing your earthly mission.

Learning to drop in your physical body you do by making aware choices and have experiences outside your comfort zone. By observing the thoughts you had at the beginning and looking at the impact of the experience, you start to learn. By considering what you have just experienced, it is important to focus on questions that arise inwardly in order to get an honest inner answer. That is what silence has to offer us. We reconnect with our own energy (essence) and stop the many disturbing influences of “picture books”.

This silence and concentration allows you to feel an inner life. You now discover that you in fact only live when you get acquainted with your soul and spirit. Acknowledge that you are more than a physical object!  For by concentration on questions that arise in you, it also allows you to perceive the reaction. Reactions that can come from different sources like the wind, an animal that shows itself suddenly, an inner image or an action of someone else. Do not interpret or associate these reactions, but raise questions. Questions like: what is happening here, why does it happens, what does it mean, who is involved, it is white or dark energy, are these entities with or without body, does it concern me, what is the next step, what does these entities show in reality when I focus on them an clean the colors?

This inner learning by experience causes you to discover your own inner spirit and to multiply it. Don’t confuse it with your thinking ability. This inner spirit force allows you to see, smell, taste, feel and hear without your physical senses. This observing goes beyond the limitations of your habitual thinking and senses. It’s like a deaf-mute who suddenly can see.

To be continued…

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