Imbalance at the workplace

There are countries where they have factories where all the employees are equal and motivated. A well-known example is Mondragón Cooperative Corporation in Spain.

In the Netherlands, however, we started to apply the Anglo-Saxon model. A model that consists about being happy to have a job even if it is for next to nothing and that you should not whine about the labor conditions. In addition, unsolicited actions or a response of you about a decision of your boss is rewarded with dismissal. The employee who wants to climb the hierarchical ladder, can only achieve this with nepotism, and scraping up themselves. Once he himself is in a higher position, he also starts to suppress and squeeze the subordinates. This system is known as the pyramid model. A system that especially in those days starts to resemble suspiciously as the front stage for a totalitarian system. The ordinary man is exploited and oppressed and is offered a job as flex worker or as a self-employed person without staff for a meager wage without social security, while the managers and the core staff receive excessive salaries  so that they can drop a powerful and large consortium, preferably worldwide. That they are inflicting much injustice to others and the environment does not count for them. They repeat history over and over, while all find this history so miserable.

Where is the balance? Where are the human rights? Why are there still political parties who want to suppress human rights even further, with more mental and physical diseases as a result?

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously.

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.

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