Wild West, psychological disorder in US

The term “Wild West” was once introduced after the new inhabitants of North America pulled over from the East Atlantic coast to the West to conquer new land. They often had left Europe or other continents due to extreme poverty. They had to choose between famine and a chance to survive in North America. When the East Coast of North America became crowded and thus offered fewer opportunities to have your own country side, they left for the West. Whoever claimed in the West a particular country side, was allowed to settle down there. In doing so, it resulted often in revenge as they were not eschewed to rob or kill each other. A lot of blood was shed.
We know the many cowboy stories where controversies were fought out. They did so seldom by speaking or good valid arguments, but mainly by fist, pistol or rifle.

This behavior has continued over the centuries. During this period many people were suppressed, shot or became someone’s cat’s-paw. This degrading behavior of mankind to exploit and oppress others or otherwise just to kill the other, has become a common phenomenon in North America. And many call this is about “Freedom”.

In fact it is a psychological disorder where to this day, they have not put their focus on.

As a result, it influenced from generation to generation the next generation and like the disease cancer it increased and penetrated everywhere in society. Erikson, Jung, Freud and Rogers would turn over in their graves as this morbid growth keeps on expanding although their scientific insights.

People shoot with extreme ease another death. The police are often so anxious or perturbing that they shoot first and then perhaps consider whether they had to raise a question. The gun lobby stimulates with fallacy and sophism to have even more arms. With their impressing outer power and lobby (money) at Governments, they overwhelm many who do not think and act on behalf of themselves. Governments are well known to fall for money and personal gain.

Meanwhile, North Americans hardly raise questions why the rest of the world shake their head, pucker their eyebrows and ridicules those North Americans who think and act as if they are the best in the world. While in reality North Americans live on the money of people from other countries who as such live in poverty. North Americans are often led by scientists who are flown in from overseas. In fact, they are rather just cuckoos that force others to be their cat’s-paw. This behavior is neither good nor Christian.

This Wild West behavior results now in the fact that the rest of the world are increasingly against this form of creeping oppression. North America has become a large war machine both internal (genes) and external (imperialism, influencing, war).

Fortunately, there is an increasing amount of North Americans that understand that they need to search their own heart and start to practice self realization. Meanwhile their country is slipping off into a kind of war state with the rest of the world. The balance turns strongly to one side and threatens to turn over to this extreme side with all its consequences (completely unbalanced).

Thus, time for many North Americans to look inside and notice their own anxiety deep inside and learn to know who they are. Time to turn the other cheek like the Bible mentions and start to act as a good Christian. After all, North Americans go en masse to one of the many churches and call themselves Christians! It is time to act as a Christian and not to live at the expense of others.
It is time to stop to shout “who is not with me is against me” i.e. the enemy. After all arguing with dissenters can enrich your life and give insight into the meaning of life.

The question is whether North Americans are capable to look inside themselves and massively go deep within these old traumas. Then they can start to solve these traumas as far as their gene lines can take them in the depth of their soul. Finally they might then start to learn to live in the “present”. Only then the “Wild West Trauma” can be halted and at long last, can they behave as true Christians. The enemy is not to be found abroad nor in all kinds of foreigners who live in North America. The enemy sleeps deep within themselves.

Fortunately, there are a few North Americans that do give the good example. Who is there to follow?

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