Abuse of power in allopathic healthcare due to belief

In early times there were pharmacist in monasteries and sometimes in castles. Often the medication contains from herbs. They had a great knowledge about it and transferred this knowledge from master to pupil. This continued for several ages.

Particularly in the middle ages there is rise of the so called surgeons. Well known is the painting of Rembrandt van Rijn from 1631 with the title “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp”

Late 1800 during the industrial revolution slowly a turn in the thinking pattern of humans arose. They believed in a makeable world. They started to develop medicines or invent them. Like a medicine from the horn of the rhinoceros. They believed they could make better medicines than nature could. They disregarded the knowledge of centuries about plants and herbs as well as the treatment with energy, like transferring energy or acupuncture.

This started as the humans who do not develop their inner self, has no knowledge of the for him elusive and invisible world. This world shows itself only gradually for the humans who develop themselves(self-realization). Now at the end of a large vicious cycle also quantum physics made it clear that humans need to learn to embrace and understand this non visible energy world in order to be able to stay alive.

In particular the last thirty years the development of invented medication and devised methods to intervene in people, increased rapidly. As a result, the health costs correspondingly increased. However, humans become sicker due to the fact that many methods and medicines poison us (often cumulation), the medication contains too many peripheral products which destroy the applying of the medicine or cause a body overload or it are treatments that combat the symptoms not the cause. Known is that most medication relieves in the short term the symptoms but in the long term human the illness worsens for which the drug is taken. Even more worse is that many resources keep humans alive without healing them. Eventually after ten to fifteen years they become serious ill at different places.

The allopathic world understands nothing of the holistic (energetic) system from which everything in the world is constructed including humans, animals, plants etc.). As a result, they do not understand that they do only symptom control and only deliver fear and heavy often unnecessary treatments. Initially it seems you recovered but soon after the same or another disease shows up on a different place.

Humans have forgotten how to listen to the body. They have forgotten to listen to (to understand) the life process of the individual. This is caused due to the fact that almost all employees in health care have no self-knowledge. Without this inner knowledge one cannot understand quantum physics that just like several other knowledge sources explains and demonstrates that all that exists is a total in itself seizing system where humans take part of. Ignorant people (believers) who lack (inner) knowledge about this act disastrous and make humans, animals, plants and earth ill. Not only for this lifetime. We will for many lifetimes degenerate until we learn to listen to the energy that is.

The conscious man who practice self-development chooses in 99% for what is now called alternative treatment methods. They know that this fits with who they really are and that is supports their life theme instead of blocking it. They evolve further and will hardly or not duffer from degeneration. They regenerate whenever they can until they are able to generate and go along the path of evolution.

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