…Continuation Jumping to all sides 2/3

Everyone-who jumps to all sides and follow every whim or hype-leaping, feels unrest deep inside.

The unrest or discomfort that arises because their essence let them feel they do not act according to their once made commitment. Thus their ratio show them all corners and apparent possibilities in order not to  listen to their inner being. Those apparent possibilities allow them to continue their verisimilitude, their self-created matrix.

They remain positive in their persistent “thinking acting attitude” and have not even the conscience that the door of a large cycle is closing. If they do not change enough, they soon will repeat it all in a similar cycle without any awareness thereof.

Their soul has then once more split further. It then becomes increasingly difficult to realize themselves and to merge their soul parts and descend in a physical body. Meanwhile, there are more people on Earth who should be fed, who wish to live, enjoy, a house etc.

That in a changing climate on Earth, with a shortage of raw materials, food shortages, lack of jobs etc. See for yourself what then might happen! We have already written about this in our book “Karmic Reflections: Talking to Men and Nature”.

Fortunately, there are also people who have absorbed the path of awareness. We wish them NOW enough perseverance to reach the highest level of consciousness on Earth as described in “From Tadpole to Prince: Towards Mega Conscious Awareness in 2016”.

To be continued …

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously. www.libertasinvivo.com Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books.  www.c-t-u.com/shop

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