Display of deviation and inanimation

Many people by now know by the repeating force of cycles. At the end of a cycle you might step out of the cycle or lose awareness and repeat the cycle once more. There exist powers that like to trap mankind in a cycle. However, knowledge of these cycles and achieving higher consciousness allow humanity to free them of the dark power of Ahriman, as he was called long ago. He is one of the powers to keep mankind trapped in these cycles. These dark powers act as such as men who become conscious, attain gradually higher inner knowledge and inner wealth and finally become light. With this light they just illuminate and expose those who still live in the shade or darkness. The knowing man has set themselves free from the many dark entities. They are no longer subject to the power of oracles, entities, gods, angels, churches, religions or Governments. They are able to communicate nuanced with that what exists and determine themselves which path leads them to continue their realization on Earth and beyond. They feel blissfully happy with their higher inner knowledge which allows them to sense more reality by which they further enrich themselves.

However despite history, mankind remains subject to the power of Ahriman. Especially when a cycle reaches its end he knows how to submit the majority to his dark powers. After all at the end of a cycle part of humanity attained inner light and illuminates their environment. Something dark powers do not like. The dark power of Ahriman is not an isolated power. It is also known by names such as Baäl, Curúnir, Beelzebub, Zabulon , Bhûta, Eris, Djinn or Mayavi. They are entities with or without a body who enchain ordinary people. Especially those who fall for entertainment, keeping up appearance, money, delight, outer appearance, fear, drugs and dependence on an Idol, fall prey to their power. Such people become live encapsulated by them. They fall into a lower state of consciousness then the state they had when they started their learning process on earth. Compare it with scientific knowledge that you lose at once when you surrender to dark forces that destroy your conscious levels and leave you as a mindless, who rapes knowledge.

Even now this happens on a great scale. People become deceived by movies that display the Maya (illusion) of luck, wealth and prosperity. Mainly the romantic movies, sitcoms or one-sided told documentaries (twisted reality) make people dumber. But also the many books, magazines and websites that are written by absence of inner knowing. These cheap mass productions especially from certain world powers are viewed or read all over Earth. Especially by those who suffer from lethargy, lack of existence, fear and uncertainty. They open up to brainwashing and becoming possessed by entities whose existence they do not even are aware of.

These dark powers seduce people to sensory pleasures, whereby they lose finally all contact with inner growth and evolution thus indulging to involution, c.q. the downfall of man. These sensory experiences and pleasures fill mankind, but fulfill them not. It increasingly inanimates them and finally the come in the Gehenna.

Countries that make these productions are in turn influenced by countries that produce and/or trade in drugs. Complete war machines, border barriers and border controls are world-wide created in order to suppress it. It became a war between two dark parties who are both cursed with the dark power of greed, money, influence and oppression. Misery loves company. At this moment they eradicate each other and fall into decay to Prakritilaya(they lose their established individuality which is the destiny of the black magician, which forces him to start all over again at the very first cycle).

It is good fishing in troubled waters says the proverb. That will happen now as well as it happened in history before. The inner enriched man who became light will overcome this battle between the dark powers and continue with self realization. They are the examples that others follow to also attain higher levels of consciousness and ultimately see and feel darkness themselves. Darkness to which naive people were exposed for many cycles without even realizing it.

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