Seduction by religions

The religions that we came across during the last centuries are one big game of power and suppression. Only individual priests/ministers etc. have managed to remove themselves from religious control and have brought forth some truth such as Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179 or Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925.

For centuries most priests/ministers etc. have been subject to the pyramid thinking and have committed sexual abuse, suppression, warfare and greed that make even the mafia pale. They abuse en seduce believers by spreading fear and tell you what life is about and what awaits you after this lifetime, without them knowing. As such they create many more believers. Many believers in turn think they can afford these excesses. This snowball effect has become reality.

Many religious wars have been conducted under the guise to win souls. In the meantime they conquered land, the goods were added to their property, and the inhabitants became suppressed. The believers had to and still have to give money in order for them to build churches, abbeys, palaces etc. and to decorate them with great pomp. In doing so these priests/ministers etc. feel secured by income and prestige.

A new Robin Hood is required in order to denounce this situation and give each his own place. Then there will be abundance for everyone. Then individuals learn to live without the disguise of hierarchy / pyramid thinking.

Whether it’s about the Islam, Christianity, Hindus, other beliefs or the present faith preachers, they have at least once been guilty to abuse and seduction of the believers and many are doing it until this day.
Under the guise of “to do well” they only act self-centered as they are only concerned about their own importance.

The consequence is that they forced believers to create as much children as possible. Children who became brainwashed even before they were actually born. They are the foot soldiers, the servants, the doormats of such hierarchies. Due to century long indoctrination they became used to hierarchical orders and became slaves of this artificial system. They sold their soul and inner child to people higher in hierarchy.

As a result humans suffer as they no longer realize their inner child. Many people no longer know that it is about themselves and remain giving birth to as much children as possible because they do not understand. Their soul continues to fall apart with each life they do not understand the meaning of living. As a result many no longer have income nor food or beverages. The soil is polluted; animals and the cattle are ill or dye. Humans degenerate instead of generate.
Hildegard of Bingen was a person who still understood what LIFE is about.

Living is about gaining inner knowledge and learn to realize yourself. That is an individual process. You do not need any religion. You need to learn to communicate with your inner self and what it is you came to do on earth. As a consequence you start to understand the life around you. You achieve inner force and wisdom as you detach form believing as you know now. Religion keeps you apart from this individual inner process.

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