In this era we fall once more massively for darkness and temptation 2/2

Although we know the stories from the Bible in the Western world. Stories like Moses and his  trip through the desert. A trip in which most of his fellow men were entice/seduced by gold (=  only matter). They didn’t wanted to learn from the hardships and temptations on their path. They did not wanted to be touched by those around them with more light and insight. They didn’t wanted to step out of their comfort zone. Therefore the right to enter the promised land was denied to them.

Even the story of the prodigal son many still do not understand. It is the story of a father who shared his property and demanded his children to do something with it. One son stayed at home and saved all his money. The other son started traveling and stepped out of his comfort zone, spent all his money but returned home full of stories and insights. The father was very happy on the return of this son. The other son however, was angry and jealous about the fact that his father praised his brother who came home broke. The jealous son did not wanted to notice the fact that he had not learned any additional thing, while his brother had learned and internalized a lot (go forth and multiply).

While we praise Jesus most still do not understand his teachings about love and freedom.. Jesus showed us the path to the fourth dimension. He did so by showing us how to end our suffering which enables us to walk our own path through life. Still we use the cross of suffering with great pleasure.

We are seeing blind and hearing deaf and repeat once more these above mentioned aspects. We act as such as all our pursuits are focused on matter. As such we remain in the phase of the “Sleeping” human. Thus a human that has not yet awakened and live consciously.

We are “Sleeping” in regard to our eating habits in regard to plants and how we keep, use or eat animals, but also in regard to how we act to our fellow man. Still we are not allowed to show emotions, we hide the truth and we live up to the standard of keeping up appearances with magic words like “positivity, calculable, durable”. While we still do not want to see reality.

So we focus on whatever is apart from our inner self, focus on whatever is “pathetic” and like to spent money to all kinds of charities. Especially at the end of the year or at the end of our lives we like to buy off our conscience (indulgence). We act like “Sleeping” persons as we  don’t want to get insights and are not willing to know what is our share. We do not like to be held responsible for our own life. We have no intention to live our life as Jesus showed us which leads us out of suffering (repeating)into freedom.

Meanwhile Earth is engaged in a attempt to go into the fifth dimension, while a few people already have entered already further dimensions as they are focused on understanding and internalize all life lessons in order to detach the earthly life-and-death-cycle.

The persons who do not like to look in their own reflection and not willing to step out of their comfort zone and learn the lessons of life, will continue in the new (repeating) vicious cycle. Such a person is again immersed in ignorance and lives as a “Sleeping” person who believe in the coming of a Savior. The many saviors that crossed their path until now they have ignored.

The fact that each individual needs to become a “Knower” and a “Light Worker” is still unknown to them. They like to remain “Sleeping” and care for all kind of  matter (candy, humbugs, money, goods and indulgence as they do not yet have the intention to become awake and conscious what life means. Their urge of avoidance makes their lives to an agony, for many lifetimes until they awake one day and start living through all these dimensions on earth.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality.

We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of life consciously at

Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books see

To watch several consultations see at TV programm “Helder Hart”.

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