Insurance policies against illness

Insurance policies are invented to help together as a community others to alleviate the damage if something happened. That is the basic concept of insurances. A typically Dutch invention, for which even Clinton went to the Netherlands this year.

Anyone who is afraid to lose his home or property to theft, fire or other sources, may take an insurance. You can also take an insurance in case you are liable for an act.

The attitude of the policyholder and the insurance provider have since changed considerably. It is the result of a change in the whole society. The fear is fed something might go wrong. The fear is fed that you can redeem this by an insurance or to meekly do what your doctor prescribes (indulgence). Self-care and self-responsibility (birthright) is taboo.

This had an effect on the customer that one can briefly describe as: “I pay premiums, so I pay less attention to my behavior. I pay premium thus the other is held responsible for my wellness. I pay premium, so I am entitled to be compensated. I pay premium so I don’t have anything to do.”

The system has become a system of repression due to fear and dependency. The system has become a buy off of own responsibility, instead of responsible adult behavior and self awareness. There is no intention left to act according normal rules to participate in social intercourse and bear responsibility for yourself and your immediate surroundings. There is only action < -> reaction, like doing what you yourself desire to do, as after all, you have paid for it. Rethinking, thinking ahead and acting as an adult is no more available for most.

Insurance companies like many other pyramid thinkers conceived the idea to insure more due to their appearance of trustworthiness that everything is possible and by damage you can be reimbursed. It aids to rise the profits substantially, while they keep up another appearance. Other players in the field have similar actions. They assure you that they help you to get rid of your illness or mental disorder one you take their medication (plaster) or show adaptive behavior (ape). Man has been made dependent on this system. It is the system of belief in me and I will save you.

Now on one hand, a large group of people who are no longer willing or capable to bear responsibility. On the other hand there are players in the field who make man believe in them. It results in exceeding dependency and products to take care for this dependency become increasingly expensive. Many can no longer afford to pay.

Insurance companies and medical industry have forced people to take off their products. The birthright is thus overruled. The soul is sold to the … Many people cannot pay their products and are in a downward spiral. All because they had their own insights in life and willpower to submit to the will of others.

How can your own responsibility and birthright be re established?

People who start the path of self realization, will be aware of the what, how and why of a disease. More and more people write about these subjects and give insights. The optimal form of “becoming whole” or “healing” is with mental abilities (“reading the energy”) dissolve blockages and assist a person in becoming self-reliant. Meanwhile, there are various treatment methods that use this skill. The advantage is that they need to be used only occasionally. They are the very most original healing methods.

They are not fully compensated because they ended in the box “alternative”. This due to the fact that today’s prevailing methods have invented an alternative to reality.

Meanwhile, there arose surrogate treatments that put a spoke in the wheel of the highest form of “healing” (read energy) and some other treatments. This is food for the establishment, who on the basis of new treatments or insurances led people “not to heal and take personal responsibility / self-realization”, but submit man to their products (suffering). They want to maintain at any cost their easy status and income – because government is on their side – even if it costs many lives directly and indirectly disrupt the life of people in the long run. The degeneration of mankind is remarkably present.

Many people need self-realization in order to fulfill their life path. Many people will not pay for products they do not wish to take. Many people do not like to pay for the negligence of others. Others want only a limited option in case they meet an accident. Others want no responsibility, and to hedge against all and any risks.

Society can offer customized choices, so that everyone can meet their own needs.

    Government may respond by offering a choice between several options:

• No mandatory health insurance. You won’t get help if you become “pathetic”. You have to pay yourself for any treatments, even if you have a chronic illness or become dependent

• A health insurance as of birth. You have to pay a minimum monthly payment during your life and can spend no more than € x. For example € 50, – per month, average age 80 years and a maximum amount of € 500,000, – in case something happens. In case you consume more you need to turn to option 1 or retrospectively to option 3.

• A comprehensive medical insurance as of birth. You pay monthly € 200, – (or more), but you get a more complete health insurance.

The insured will strive for different behavior, more often showing adult behavior and start with self-realization. Insurance companies and medical industries, will need to turn down their high profit margins and adjust their products.

Many of their products are now more sickening than the disease itself, causing degeneration or reduce the life force of man.

Another more original perspective on health and becoming whole, can return man on the road to evolution (higher vibration) instead to the road to involution, which many nowadays do.

Libertas in Vivo wants to restore the fine tuned balance, by showing reality. We offer lectures and personal consultations that give InSight and allow you to walk your path of live consciously see Tools to understand this and other InSights into the teachings of life can be found in our books see

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