What does humanity need in order to live beyond the earthly cycle of life and death?

  1. Do we like sustainable lifestyles that create healthy communities?
    Do we like a community where each person experience is validated? Do we like nature-centered coaching and facilitation? Do we like to have a compassionate response to earth and all that lives in order to overcome the suffering we face? Do we like to fulfill our destiny or do we like to fill up our body?
  2. Do we intend to continue to try to shape the circumstances on earth to our needs and continue with contaminated behavior and neurotoxic actions that deaden life on Earth and in living organisms? Latest examples of this are the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement that limit us to express our free opinion or the iPED (integrated personalized electronic device) that in the not too far future is supposed to be placed subcutane (under the skin) to provide information about our health and what you should consume or do to meet health regulations. The health industry keeps us from healing (to really cure) as then their industry is hardly necessary. Other examples are the expanding rat behavior at the office or trying to stop revealing the truth.  One example of this is the dictionaries and reference works where words get no longer their actual meaning but a meaning the established dogmatic politics likes. This policy is then taught in schools. The food industry that alike the tobacco industry makes us depended of their products as they add ingredients or take them out in order to have more profit. They also make us depended as they control the market and have claimed their say in governments. All consumers are fed but no longer nourished.

What is your choice?

At present, we are object of the Pyramid System that forces people to obey the leader. This can be top-down or bottom-up. They demand humans to give up their own identity, wisdom, and path of life. To give up their own personal identity means, you no longer walk the path of self-realization. Thus, you will remain living in vicious circles. This means you remain in the lower dimensions on earth.

Veils to be lifted

Many institutions like churches and governments like to oppress man in order to: be acknowledged, reign over others, have many persons who work for them and have the largest piece of the cake. The dogmatic religions even forbade humans to use their inner sources linked with all that lives (nature). One of these inner sources is intuition. Intuition (higher Inner Knowledge) is a basic skill that due to Religious oppression became marginalized and thus unknown. Now it is on its way back as the Maya veil is falling down. Reality is showing more and more since end of 1980 and will proceed to do so. Everybody can learn to use this skill. Intuition can be developed in such a way that you learn to communicate with the energy that is. The intuition shows you what quantum physics teaches us. Direct communication through energy (intuition) is the communication of the present and future. It is honest and direct communication that is able to lift all veils around the essence and reveal the truth. Then humanity can progress on their path of live.

It means humans can once more communicate with ALL in nature. Then they know why they have become ill, lost their jobs. They understand the wise words, as their mind is able to catch the essence in the written lines or spoken words. It also means they will turn the other cheek in order to stop others using them for their purpose. They claim their birthright. They are able to transcend.  They will notice there is no need for greed or war. They even learn to heal themselves. A healthy body is necessary to proceed beyond the one-dimensional thinking, as many still have no clue what living in the second, third, fourth or even higher dimensions means.


If humanity finally proceeds with inner knowledge instead of only cognitive knowledge, humanity as a whole is able to proceed beyond the one-dimensional suppressive actions. Then humanity can start to finally stop the repeating cycles. It means we truly show we have understood why we life in a human body, with what reason and why.

To understand this we have to start to discriminate in a person the egocentric and egoistic part. I go beyond Freud as many persons still forget to discriminate the words egocentric (aggressive) and egoistic (assertive). We need to be taught in how the ID and Ego work together and how they can be used in such a way, that humans can develop. As we develop we will heal (mentally, physically and socially) as we are able to communicate with the energy inside and outside of us and Know (no longer guess) what to do. The egoistic part gives insight in us and our environment (assertive). The egocentric part gives insight in the veils around us (aggressive). An egoistic person is occupied finding his path of life and walk the path of his destiny (self-realization). This is the person who seeks the way to uncloak himself from the layers of karma (see the string model of men). The egocentric person claims he is all these layers and forces other people to submit to his macho (pyramid) behavior.

When humans become taught about their ego and Id – once we discriminate the words ego and super ego or egoistic and egocentric – and learn to develop both, humans will learn to become egoistic and start with the so badly needed self-realization (as quantum physics, psychology and main religions describe).

Self-realization needed to finally pass the one dimensional thinking /behavior level, which forces humanity to remain in vicious circles.
Only few have been able to think and act in multiple dimensions as is required to overcome all the suffering in the world. Suffering caused by man as they stuck in their self-fulfilling prophecy.

Humankind in common has no idea how to life in other dimensions on earth. They stagnate in the evolutionary development, as they are victim of the pyramid system. They have not transcended above the first dimension. Most of them are even our today’s leaders!

So what is your choice to meet living beyond the earthly cycle of life and death?

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