Love and the care for Middle East refugees

Seen from a religious point of view love for a refugee is a cognitive welcome (taught thinking and acting), a simple bed and food, possibly some basic medical care. It works as a kind of indulgence. Just look at me, do you notice what I’ve done for them? The European slavish submission to Church, Government or religion is an impediment to substantial assistance. Just as often, newcomers are (ab)used to work for lower wages, lower function profile or poorer working facilities than the original population. That happened to the people from the former colonies, the guest workers from around the Mediterranean and more recently to the people from Eastern Europe. Well educated people sometimes get work on a much lower level, most will not obtain (decent) work. Thus the question is do we offer them any rendition? Yes, the religion of Governments, groups of people or individuals know how to wrap their questionable help into a beautiful packaging.
If you look at REAL LOVE it means we need to touch the refugee. This means to make contact with their essence and see/experience what their essence needs. This contact on a spiritual level is a deep inner level contact that allows at once to hit the nail on the head and shows what is needed and why. Inwardly the other experiences this touch as being seen in what an hardly be explained by words. This inner knowing is what you have to follow as a human being, instead of obtaining fear, emotions, money or matter.
It all starts with the fact that everyone has had a reason why to be born on a specific location with certain parents. This is the basis for what you have to work out this lifetime. You might had to let your voice hear against the dictator? You might had to fight? You might had to die in order to start with renewed consciousness in another life? Why do you keep your hand on? What are you waiting for? Why should people from other countries fight your war? What are you learning in this life? What is your family theme in this life? How can others help you to understand it and get you on the right path for you?
Run away for your life theme because a war is so miserable or because you can be prosecuted or because you think others must see you as pathetic does not make any sense. Whatever you run away for continues to haunt you until you have learned the life theme and have put it in balance (takes sometimes many lives). You take the problems with you and it has to be solved in another country or continent , disturbing the balance there as well.
Living your live with raised head and insight into the how and why causes you to obtain high awareness (inner knowing) just like Mandela, Ghandi, Aung San Suu Kyi etc. Something that every religion says that you will some day in some lifetime have to do.
The mass of refugees not only needs safety, a bed and food as they had that in the surrounding countries in the refugee camps there. Their balance has been disturbed too long without any view on an improvement. Balance in life is needed to grow mentally and spiritually. So these refugees need a view to a normal life with their family or loved ones. They want to work, live in their own private safe place, where the children can go to school and where there is perspective.

Some very good ideas came to the surface now that these people are displaced for a number of years and there is no end to the war in their country to be foreseen. These ideas are for example about an empty area in Africa to be rent or on one or more Islands in the Mediterranean, where they could be provided with resources to build infrastructure, homes etc. This way they could start a community and have their own future in their own hands. In doing so, there must be a certain structure so that there are laws, precepts and a Board to be realized in a way that suits the population but also the region.
In their own region it is the best because there is a more or less equivalent cultural and spiritual life. As a result, this balance is not or hardly disturbed there. When going to other parts on Earth than the balance is also severely disrupted in these places.

For whatever reason they flew to Europe or other countries for more than 98% of them it will mean not only a nasty, costly and ridiculous trip as a regular asylum or emigration application request would be significantly simpler or cheaper and provide more certainty.

During their trip, they unfortunately show their inner nature and culture and that will not fit in most European countries. It will take many generations before their way of life and the way of life in their new home country are compatible. Thus they create for many decades an imbalance in their new homeland. Most countries in Europe will offer them something on the religious grounds described at the beginning as their own population is also looking for a work and living place and so just like the refugees they are looking for a meaningful existence.
Due to this forced imbalance sooner or later so much turmoil and dissension will arise that it is the fuel for serious unrest. The balance will continue to be disrupted because most refugees are male who soon will ask for family reunification. Where the balance has been disrupted there is no room for mental or spiritual growth. Refugees will put high demands, enforce business requirements, abuse the helping hand, quarreling and put their own values and standards at top. If this is not tolerated they shout the words discrimination or religious freedom. In fact, it only has to do with inner values, norms and behavior. Thus newcomers create the breeding ground for very large misery and unrest for many years or decades to come.
Only 2% will be able within a few years to show the first signs of integration in their new society, using their own values and standards only at their private home. They accept the values and standards of the new home country and learn the origin or need to understand these values as it is a way that every resident can live enjoyable. They behave like a guest would do.

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