Dramatic changes Earth

Mother Earth is exposed to changes. Changes come partly by the gravitational pull of the planets around us, the universe that is expanding and the forces on Earth, whereby Islands disappear or arise, volcanoes erupt, the Earth plates change places, the Gulf Stream that changes etc.

On top of that, there are changes to Mother earth due to brainless mankind who still have no insight in what energy is. Just think of the deforestation causing major flooding and land erosion. The mining industry that causes damage to the substrate causing earthquakes or collapses of land or landslides may occur.

The many pavement and high buildings that affect the weather, leaving so much more wind and rain with destructive consequences. The subsidence of the soil through which water can no longer enter. In the end it is causing that we can no longer grow any food there because there is no natural life anymore in the soil. The excess of animal manure, has the same negative effect. Deforestation and the un-greening of earth as we continue cutting trees and whole forests but also curtail trees and shrub crops and plants away because we find that they bother us. The result is global warming, less oxygen, unbearable heat to about 60 degrees Celsius or beyond.

These and many more causes make life on Earth unbearable in the decades and centuries to come. A consolation is that we are at the end of a vicious cycle. That means that halfway through this century we will witness the end of one cycle. The end of that cycle started at the end of the seventies of the last century while at the same time another large cycle of several thousands of years started. Recognizable by the fact that many new people sine the seventies hardly have knowledge nor can they act adequately. Also the size of mankind on earth will reach halfway this century around the 10 billion. The tipping point has been described. There are many tipping points described and neglected. As a result humanity will be destroyed for the umpteenth time.

So will global warming melt the ice at the poles and this will force a change of the axis of the Earth that thereby will be upright again. You understand all this has many consequences for the people, animals and plants.

Just like the time of Atlantis and Lemuria pride goes before the fall of mankind. Life means nothing more than to understand the ‘greater live’ (quantum physics). However, technical development and the cognitive mind of humans have no message to the natural laws of energy. The people who have understood the ‘greater live’ will continue elsewhere.

A few will survive and his stories will go round as a legend or myth and listened to in disbelief. Massively humanity will go through one more through the cycle just like the Matrix and hopes for … in the belief that … because they refuse to go to their inner live and know what is happening on an energetic level.

See for more insight my books at http://www.boekenroute.nl/gasten/gtn1Uitgever.aspx?UitgID=115432

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