Love and raising children

For most of us a wonderful understanding, however, most people immediately think about sex. That means they do not (yet) know the actual meaning of loving a child. Sexuality with a child is abuse of the other person’s body to satisfy your own sexual desires. Loving a child is offering the child whatever it needs to become a mature adult around the age of 18.

Like some of us might already know for several decennia, it are the children who choose where to be born. They choose the adequate circumstances for their learning theme. When this can be done in this country, in this place with these parents, they decide to incarnate there. That is the basis. Afterwards the situation can alter. There are lots of factors which cannot be taken into consideration at the moment of incarnation. Parents can be subject to change due to illness or a divorce. In both cases the situation changes. The question is whether the Present situation still fits your learning goals for this lifetime

Also the child can be subject to change due to a severe illness or accident. The child can have changed in such a way that it no longer feels at home. More often it happens that the child is unconscious of his choice and is not willing to accept his learning subject for which he has consciously and willingly chose before birth.

And thus you might have a child that protests against whatever happens. It happens at school or at home, because of bedtime, the food, friends, rules how to behave, going out, homework etc. It can escalate in such a way that parents no longer know how to cope with their child and ask for professional interference. It is often not the parent who fails but nevertheless they are blamed by society. The cause is the situation that no longer fits.

What is in the end better and more loving than to let go you child and let it raise in another family. Here your child has the change to learn what it originally wanted to learn this lifetime. If you continue persisting in the present nasty situation makes you both remain in a fight each day. A fight that causes physically, mentally, emotionally but also spiritually unbalance and/ or illness. That can never be the reason for a loving relationship between parents and a child.

Detach in order to allow your child to achieve whatever it needs to realize his live.

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