Love… at the working place

For most of us a wonderful understanding, however, most people immediately think about sex. That means they do not (yet) know the actual meaning of love. Sexuality is very often only the (ab)use of the other person’s body to satisfy your own sexual desires. In spite of everything, it is often a one-way satisfaction for most. Furthermore it is often just about showing off with a partner in our present society.

Love is a selfless, altruistic whereby you do not (ab) use the other. It is about offering the other what is needed in order to complete his journey on earth, to reach self-realization. To accomplish this it is necessary to regularly make contact with your essence. It means that others help you to look inside and look into the mirror of life and discover about your inner self and your mission on earth.

For example, someone loses his job. A job that was not to your liking, but nevertheless provided for the necessary income. It is of course very uncertain how to proceed. You are pleased, though, that those nasty job has ended, but you have no longer income and the social security office already pants in your neck to get you back into the constraints of this society. In other words the little relief gives way to even more pressure from the outside world.

If there is a loving society or a loving someone nearby then they will look at your needs and what made the last job so unpleasant for you. Was it just the boss, the organizational structure, your colleagues, the building, the route to your work, the working hours, the customers, the product or the working pressure?

What daily activities with which you can maintain your independence, would be suitable for you? Why? Are there job opportunities? Do you need additional training? Can someone help you to start in such a job? Does the society or employer gives you the chance to start in this job for which you have little work experience? Can such an employer look past the end of his nose and notice you already have enough work experience, human experience, insight, and that you are motivated! In short, that a switch to another field of work have to be no problem at all because you can simply switch the matrix.

They do no longer need to live in the margin of society because that same heartless and only on appearance and money-oriented society does not value self-realization but (ab)uses man as puppets on a string or slaves.

Many people would in such a loving society being able to have a suitable job/pursuits that fits your inner the battle and more of it to can their own identity.

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