Apps Symbolism: (Re-) Using the Power of Imagination

Many modern phones; PDA’s and computers communicate with the user by means of symbols which are shown on the opening screen. Just click one of those symbols and you are in business; the program starts. Normal everyday routine to millions of people and we seem to take it for granted.

Most of these symbols refer to “apps”, short for “applications”. By just showing one image, anyone knows what app starts up when clicked. Although in the Western World we predominantly use the Latin alphabet of 26 characters (remind this word – character) to write words and sentences; it seems we all are reverting to something old – older than the Latin alphabet anyway. We all are using “characters” again, like the Japanese and Chinese still do today. In fact we revert to ancient history by using Symbolism again; I call it Apps Symbolism. As it feels so natural to use, we may ask the upright question whether the Latin alphabet has served it time!

Considering the pace of society is still increasing and we have the tendency to simplify and condense; I tend to say “YES”.

Apps Symbolism  seems to serve everyone from every culture, bridges differences in languages and is neutral in perspective. It is unwinding the old Tower of Babel where according to legends, the different languages emerged. In fact it is the Tower of Babel in reverse and to my conviction it is the introduction of a new unified language transcending barriers and focusing on that what man does best: (re-) using the power of imagination.

Is there more we can wish for?

O.K.: Here is the freshly engineered Apps Symbolism symbol …

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